Account Opening Blitz held at Epworth Local Board.
Account Opening Blitz held in Caledonia
Living Tabernacle Ladies’ Business Breakfast meeting at AFM Avondale
Account opening and card issuance held in Caledonia
Product Awareness campaign held at Higher Life Church
Awareness Campaign for young girls held in Epworth
Financial Literacy Training and account opening at Chinehasha in Mazowe
Financial Literacy Training, account opening, card issuance at Gala Partison in Mazowe
Financial Literacy Training and account opening at Blueridge in Mazowe
Financial Literacy and awareness campaigns at Young Women For Economic Development
High Tea held at Zimpark in Harare
Financial Literacy Training and account opening held in Chiweshe, Mazowe
Account opening, Katsaona card issuance blitz held in Hopley
Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) Engagement held to raise product awareness in Harare
Cbd Area
Account Opening Blitz held in Caledonia
Outreach and account opening held in Caledonia
Outreach and account opening held at Rekai Tangwena
Awareness Campaign held at Renga Primary School in Seke Area
ZIMRA women in business workshop at Celebration Centre
Outreach and account opening held in Epworth
Fixing the Crown event hosted by Eedlipstick Organisation
Teachers for ED outreach held at Queen Elizabeth School
Account opening and card issuance held at Selous
Account opening and card issuance held in Chegutu
Commemoration of World Disability Day held in Dzivarasekwa
Outreach and awareness campaign held in Mbare